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United Towards a Sustainable FutuRE:

Advancing the Energy Transition for Indonesia Emas and Net Zero Emissions

Day 3 – 12 September 2024

Sustainable Energy Investment (SEI) Day

With Sustainable Energy Investment (SEI) Day set on the third day, ISEW showcases how energy transition can be facilitated with innovative financing mechanisms and encourages strong partnership with the financiers and private sectors to leverage expertise, resources, and networks for collective action.

This agenda is subject to change


Opening and Welcoming Remarks

Eniya Listiani Dewi
Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources


Advancing Energy Economy Through Sustainable Investment Policy and Regulation


  1. Sahid Junaidi
    Secretary of Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
  2. Bobby Wahyu Hernawan
    Head of Climate Change Financing and Multilateral Policy Center, Fiscal Policy Agency
  3. Dendy Apriandi
    Director of Investment Deregulation, Ministry of Investment


  1. Head of Capital Market Regulation and Development Department, Financial Services Authority
  2. Sutrisno Iwantono
    Chairman of Public Policy, Indonesian Employers Association
  3. Arief Budiman
    Chief Executive Officer, Indonesia Investment Authority

Moderated by:
Marlistya Citraningrum

Program Manager, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)


Accelerating Energy Transition Finance Solutions Supporting Supply-Demand Energy Transformation
  1. Hartanto Wibowo
    Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)
  2. Fadli Rahman
    Director of Strategic Planning and Business Development, PT Pertamina New and Renewable Energy
  3. Edo Mahendra
    Head of the Joint Office of the Indonesian Energy Transition Task Force (Rumah PATEN)
  4. Anthony Utomo
    Head of the KADIN Energy Transition Task Force (KADIN ETTF)

Moderated by:
Bely Utarja
Senior Expert Consultant on Economy


Make or Break in Sustainable Energy Investment: Critical factors in RE-EE Project Deals
  1. Muhamad Reza
    Director of Business Development and Commercial, PLN Nusantara Power
  2. Binu George
    Business Development Director, BECIS
  3. Takeda Sachiko
    Chief Representative of JICA Indonesia
  4. Michael Sung
    Director, Ever Shine Tex

Moderated by:
Angela Vania Rustandi
Senior Associates, UMBRA


Energizing Finance for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: The Roles of Financial Institutions
  1. Johanna Richter
    Portfolio Manager, KfW Development Bank
  2. Pradana Murti
    Director of Risk Management, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT. SMI)
  3. R. Joko Siswanto
    Director of Sustainable Finance, Financial Services Authority
  4. Denti Irman
    Senior Vice President, Syndication and ESG Solution Head, PT Bank BPTN Tbk.

Moderated by:
Diana Arango
Portfolio Manager & Lead Sector Coordinator Energy, KfW


Closing Session: Investment Transition to Green Energy
  1. Adrisman Tahar
    Business Development Manager of Pertamina New & Renewable Energy
  2. Raditya Pramudiantoro
    Senior Sustainability Manager, Danone Indonesia
  3. Vania Herlambang
    Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2018

Matchmaking Session

In parallel with the Sustainable Energy Investment (SEI) Day, the matchmaking session is organised to provide a platform for potential funding sources and project developers. The event aims to explore financing options, build mutually beneficial partnerships and secure the necessary support to accelerate the development and implementation of clean and sustainable energy projects.


Opening and Welcoming Remarks

Trois Dilisusendi
Head of EBTKE Investment Committee, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)


Showcasing Financing Needs for Clean Energy Projects and Ensuring Access to Finance
  1. Irman Boyle
    Executive Vice President, Head of Advisory Group Directorate, PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (PT IIF)
  2. Abhas Sharma
    Senior Investment Manager of DEG
  3. Ali Fahrudin
    Gas Derivatives & Clean Energy Business, PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.

Moderated by:
Muhammad Asrofi
Associate Expert Planner, Directorate of Electricity, Telecommunication and Information Technology, Bappenas


Coaching Clinic (Batch 1 & 2)

Technical Briefing:

Maysa Ameera Andarini
GIZ Energy Programme

List of financiers and/or investors:

  1. Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (PT. IIF)
  2. DEG
  3. Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP)
  4. Inecosolar
  5. UOB


Tapping into Supply of Sustainable Finance to Support Clean Energy Projects: Practical Solutions and Considerations of Financiers
  1. Jenny Hadikusuma
    Country Head of Sustainability, UOB
  2. Bangkit Oetomo
    Investment Analyst, ADM Capital
  3. Mada Ayu Habsari
    CEO, PT. Arya Watala Capital

Moderated by:
Irfan Adhityo Dinutistomo
Research Associate, Green Economy and Climate Change Studies Research Group LPEM UI


Coaching Clinic (Batch 3 & 4)

Technical Briefing:

Ichsan H. Loeksmanto
GIZ Energy Programme

List of financiers and/or investors:

  1. Clime Capital
  2. IIX Global
  3. Mitsubishi HC Capital and Finance Indonesia
  4. ADM Capital
  5. BayernLB
  6. Bank BTPN