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United Towards a Sustainable FutuRE:

Advancing the Energy Transition for Indonesia Emas and Net Zero Emissions

Day 4 – 13 September 2024

Empowering Communities through Impacts from Just Energy Transition

The last day of ISEW is concluded by highlighting the socioeconomic impacts from just energy transition efforts while empowering communities with data-driven insights for inclusive decision-making processes that prioritise local needs and aspirations towards achieving sustainable transition

This agenda is subject to change



Frank Stegmuller​, SOCOOL Project Lead, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN


Cooperation Agreement Signing Celebration: GIZ - IPB - Fresh Factory & GIZ - USAID Ber-IKAN - NusaTuna
  1. Anas M. Fauzi
    Head of International Research Institute of Advanced Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
  2. Larry Ridwan
    Founder and CEO, Fresh Factory
  3. Andrew Roberts
    Business Development Manager, NusaTuna
  4. Ranggi Fajar Muharam
    Private Sector Engagement and Partnership Lead,
    USAID Indonesia Ber-IKAN
  5. Frank Stegmueller
    SOCOOL Project Lead, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN

Witnessed by:

  1. Andriah Feby Misna
    Director of Various New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
  2. I Wayan Budiastra
    Director of CREATA, IPB University


Empowering Communities and Revolutionizing Urban Transport: Private Sector Innovation in Renewable Energy and Green Mobility Resources
  1. Rivana Mezaya
    Director of Digital and Sustainability, Grab
  2. Vicarna Yasier
    Direktur, PT Optima Integra Tehnika
  3. Gonggomtua Sitanggang
    Southeast Asia Director, ITDP

Moderated by:
Atiek Fadhilah
Advisor, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN


From Climate Concerns to Energy Transition: Our Stories
  1. Agus Tampubolon
    CASE Project Manager, IESR
  2. Wahyu Hantoro
    Head of Tampir Wetan Village, Candimulyo, Magelang, Central Java
  3. Puty Puar
    Content Creator and Community Founder
  4. Muhammad Ezra Aimar Rizky
    1st Winner of Essay Writing Competition
  5. Rhea Oktaqiara
    3rd Winner of Essay Writing Competition


ET Stand Up Comedy
  1. Egi Haw
    Comedian, Stand Up Indonesia (for offline participants only)
  2. M. Fadhil
    2nd Runner Up Stand-Up Comedy Competition Bappenas


Creating Regional Consultation Forum to Accelerate Regional Economic Transformation in The Context of Coal Transition


  1. Nizhar Marizi
    Director of Energy, Mineral and Mining Resources (SDEMP), Ministry of Planning/Bappenas


  1. Dedi Rustandi
    Coordinator for New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Sector,
    Directorate of Energy, Mineral and Mining Resources (SDEMP), Ministry of Planning/Bappenas
  2. Hari Wibawa
    Head of Economy and Development Funding, South Sumatra Province Bappeda
  3. Yusliando
    Head of East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda
  4. Muce Mochtar
    National Program Coordinator, ILO

Moderated by:
Nyimas Wardah
IKI-JET Advisor, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN


Energy Transition Impacts on Green Jobs and Green Skills


  1. Nur Hygiawati Rahayu
    Director of Manpower, Ministry of PPN/Bappenas
  2. Oo Abdul Rosyid
    Technical Commission on SKKNI Personnel Competence, BRIN


  1. Dadang Kurnia
    Energy Hub Team Lead, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN
  2. Ruly Marianti
    GESIT Team Lead, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN


Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Sustainable Energy Transition
  1. Eko Novi Ariyanti
    Deputy Assistant for Gender Mainstreaming in Social and Cultural Sector,
    Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection 
  2. Nisa Anggina Lubis
    E&S Safeguard Specialist, KfW
  3. Amalinda Savirani
    Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
  4. Dita Anggun Lestari
    Senior Project Officer, IBEKA

Moderated by:
Jaka Kelana Putra
SETI Advisor, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN


  1. Taufiq Hidayat Putra
    Director for Electricity, Telecommunication and Informatics, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas
  2. Eniya Listiani Dewi
    Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
  3. Lisa Tinschert
    Energy Programme Director, GIZ Indonesia/ASEAN